Timely Tips October 2007: A Third E-mail Account?
A Tip from Randy's Upcoming Taming the E-mail Beast: 35 Key Strategies for Better Managing Your E-mail Overload (and Regaining Your E-mail Sanity!)
in this issue
A Third E-mail Account? Excerpt from "Taming the E-mail Beast"
HELP ME Select My New Book Cover!
E-book Version of Taming E-mail Now Being Sold
New Open Courses in Toledo and Detroit
Learn About Randy's Marketing "Secret"
Dear Timely Tips Reader,
I just love this time of year. Don't you? We spent a couple of hours decorating our house for Halloween yesterday - it is definitely "spookyville" here at the Dean household now. And the leaves have finally started changing too - about three weeks behind schedule - but those brilliant reds and golds and yellows have finally made their annual appearance. (By the way, if you will be attending either the Michigan Chamber of Commerce conference later this week or the National Association for Pupil Transportation Officers conference next week, be sure to stop by and say "Hi!")
A Bonus This Month - This Month's Tip an Excerpt from My New Book, "Taming the E-mail Beast"
As you know, I've been working feverishly on bringing a new book to market that details my key strategies for better managing your e-mail activities. In coming months, I'm planning on sharing several tips from this book as my Timely Tips for that month. The first tip is a pretty simple tip that I recommend all readers consider: having a third e-mail account that would act as your Internet/E-commerce account (your first two accounts would be your professional, work-related account and your personal e-mail account for messages with your family and friends). The basic reason for having this account: to have an e-mail account you can use for all of your e-commerce/Internet activities where you need to submit a valid e-mail address to complete your Internet/e-commerce transactions. Having this third account allows you to keep your work and personal accounts more "hidden" from junk and spam e-mail providers.
To read the more complete excerpt on this third account from Taming the E-mail Beast: 35 Key Strategies for Better Managing Your E-mail Overload (and Regaining Your E-mail Sanity), visit this page:
Speaking of Taming the E-mail Beast, HELP ME pick my cover!
My designer has done something very fun for me - he has provided me with THREE possible cover options for my new e-book (and ultimately paperback version) of Taming the E-mail Beast. One is pretty much a classic contemporary cover design, but the other two are a bit more daring and, shall I say, fun. One required a pretty entertaining photo shoot, and the other incorporated the development of an actual "e-mail beast".
I don't know which one I like the best, so I'm asking for your help. I've posted the draft cover versions for all three designs on my website - I'd love to get your vote for your favorite!
Simply click here:
and you'll go to a page where you can link to each of the three possible designs. Then, send me an e-mail with your vote for your favorite (and least favorite!). I'll compile the results and announce the winning design in next month's Timely Tips.
E-Book Version Now Being Sold
Right now, we are completing the final tasks to complete the e-book version (which will be followed soon after by the paperback). I've posted a special pre-publication offer for this e-book on my site - check it out at: http://www.randalldean.com/offers.html.
Don't forget my offer for you to receive a full three-chapter sneak preview of the book - simply send me an e-mail at randy@randalldean.com requesting your sample chapters and we'll e-mail this PDF document to you right away.
Finally, Some Open E-mail and Time Management Courses by Randy Dean!
I've had many of you requesting for some time for me to offer some open courses again, but my crazy corporate, college, and conference speaking and training schedule has limited my ability to provide these open courses. But, as we approach year's end, I finally have some options for you!
In early December, I'll be offering two open course options, each in conjunction with a different group. First, on Tuesday, December 11, I'll be offering my half-day "Time Management for Busy Managers, Leaders, and Professionals" course in Sylvania, Ohio (right near the Michigan border just north of Toledo). This course will be in conjunction with the Employers Association of Northwest Ohio.
Click here for more information:
or click here to register: http://www.employersassociation.com/reg_Leadership2010.htm
Then, on Friday, December 14, I'll be leading my half-day "Taming the E-mail and Info Overload Beast" course in conjunction with the Detroit IMA and Orchards Children's Services in Southfield, Michigan (just north of Detroit). If you have interest in registering for this course, contact Chuck Phillips of the Detroit IMA at cphillips@detroitlions.com. Chuck will provide you with pricing and registration information. Be sure to mention if you are an active member of the Institute of Management Accountants, as IMA members will get a discount on their registration fees for this course. (Regardless, the expected costs for both of these courses will be lower than the expected rates for a series of open courses we're planning after the first of the year in conjunction with the release of the new book - more information on these courses coming very soon!)
It's Been a Great Year!
This has truly been a breakout year for Randall Dean Consulting & Training, LLC. We've been hearing about the economic downturn here in Michigan for some time now, but RDC&T has certainly bucked that trend. This will mark our fourth straight year of business growth, and we are now projecting approximately a 65% increase in revenues for this year over last. Thanks to all of you for being a big part of that!
Many have been asking about how I'm marketing and promoting my firm to allow for this growth and success. Well, I do have a little marketing "secret" that I've been using for about a year now, and this secret has really worked to propel my firm forward. If you are working in a firm that provides client services, sells products or services via the web, offers information products, is interested in offering web-enabled consulting or training services, provides training or speaking program services, and/or wants to open up a whole new low-cost way to market or promote your business or products, you too might want to check out this "marketing secret". I've set up a web page on my site to tell you a bit more - check it out at http://www.randalldean.com/randysmarketingsecret.html.
Regardless, thanks to all of you for your continued support and patronage! And have a wonderful Halloween. (Don't eat too much candy!)
Until next time, Stay Timely!