A Great New Browser Tool for Searching and Shopping
Save a TON of Time on Comparative Web Searching and Shopping with this Unique New Browser Tool
Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of getting introduced to the founder of Online Navigation Corporation, developer of the new metasearch browser called the IconDrive IWebGPS (http://www.icondrive.com). It is a totally unique web browser - different in look and usability than anything I've ever used for web searches and web shopping. Designed specifically for the Firefox web browser platform (which is quickly becoming my favorite web browser both from a security and functionality perspective), the IconDrive metasearch browser might be able to save you a TON of time if you are doing comparative search and/or shopping activities on the web. I have actually been personally working with the browser developer to help make this very cool tool even more functional and user-friendly over the last several weeks, and I think you will find the capabilities of this browser potentially very useful and productive.
With a visual interface that approximates the dashboard of your car, this browser allows you to type in a keyword ONE TIME in the keyword entry field (bottom right-middle of the screen), and then simply click on an icon of your favorite search engines and/or shopping sites to search multiple sites at the same time! (Thus, the name IconDrive.) The icons for these sites reside in the IWebGPS unit in the bottom right corner of the screen (designed to look like an onboard GPS unit in your car). When you click on the desired site icons after entering your keyword, new web pages will open up with your search results from each of your desired sites. And, you can quickly toggle between popular search, shopping, travel, and other sites, searching for your keywords/phrases on each of those sites simultaneously and speedily, and with only entering the keyword a single time. (This definitely has a "Very Cool" factor to it!)
The browser even features a rearview mirror that allows you to easily reference recently used keywords and recently visited sites (it posts the site icons in the rearview for easy ongoing reference). I recommend doing some comparative searching activities and possibly some comparative shopping activities on the site to fully understand the functionality and benefits of this tool. As I said, it is optimized for Firefox, and thus you lose some of the functionality on Internet Explorer. But, you can also create a user account and download your own version of the browser to create and customize your own user interface with the browser. Because of the unique look and feel of the browser, I recommended to the browser's creator that he consider some online tutorials for new users. He has actually created a series of slick Flash videos to show the capabilities of this browser. To see these videos, go here: http://www.icondrive.com/howtovideos
If you feel that this metasearch tool might be able to help your company or team perform comparative search and online purchasing activities better, smarter, and faster, thus enhancing your team's performance and profitability, we have even discussed possibly holding introductory training sessions on this browser for individual organizations. After getting a chance to try out this browser, send me a note if you might have an interest in sharing this valuable time-saving tool with your workplace, team or group.
Another Great Long-Term Productivity Enhancement System (and a "SAVE THE DATE" Request)
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of getting introduced to George Beshara, long-time facilitator and developer of employee enhancement programs in many areas, including change management, stress management, career management, and more. George has invested significant personal time and professional expertise in developing a series of extremely well-designed and user-friendly self-guided self study programs in the areas mentioned above, with the name of this series of programs called Managing My Life.
Being an advocate of saving time and enhancing productivity, I wanted to expose you to this outstanding series of programs. Through a special arrangement with George Beshara, I have been given the opportunity to share with you the Managing Change module of this program for free (I recommend right-clicking this link and then selecting "Save Target As" to post to your hard drive/share drive). It is hosted on a proprietary e-learning platform called the DNL Reader. This platform allows for an interactive e-book guided learning experience, and does require a download of the DNL Reader software. Simply download the DNL Reader and install it (only takes a few seconds on a high-speed internet connection), and then download the Managing Change module from my web site here.
Once you get an opportunity to begin using this first program, I believe you will quickly see the quality of these programs, their ease of use, and the possible benefits for you personally and your organization, members, or team.
Important Upgrades on Taming E-mail Audio Program Coming Soon
Next week, when I formally announce the registration for the George Beshara program, I am also going to announce some important enhancements to my Taming E-mail audio program, including a PowerPoint-enhanced live conference session Taming E-mail seminar taping on DVD, and a free bonus paperback by program host Tony Rubleski. I will honor these program enhancements for any new Taming E-mail audio program orders that come in before this announcement next week. Just go to http://www.randalldean.com/offers.html to learn more about the Taming E-mail audio program version, and watch for the news on these program enhancements very soon.
Until Next Time ...
Watch for me in coming weeks in Kalamazoo, at MSU, in Chicago for a few different events, downtown Detroit, at the NE Regional IMA conference in Connecticut, in Mount Pleasant, and in Houston, Texas among other events. And watch for the upcoming announcements on the Managing Stress teleseminar, the upgraded Taming E-mail audio program, and the upcoming paperback launch.
Until next time,
Stay Timely!