Social media guru I follow a bit launching a new system for social media biz strategy:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I wrote the SBAM Power Boost guest blog today--all about as a power tool for social networking. Here's the blog entry:
Office Day -- Getting tons done. Also, just brainstormed new outline for a new book. I love entrepreneurial freedom!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Told ya' multitasking & info overload are bad -- VERY BAD! Shows importance of limiting distraction:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Great new book on actualizing the Law of Attraction out today -- I wrote an endorsement after doing a preview:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Looking for a reputable powerwashing/staining firm in mid-Michigan. Anyone you'd highly recommend? Anyone you'd avoid? Thanks in advance!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Miss my AskDrMac Radio appearance on e-mail & book mktg strategies? Here's the replay link (click Aug 6):
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
In West Michigan? Listen to my radio interview on WGVU 1480 AM or 88.5 FM tomorrow between 9 - 11 a.m. -- or stream tomorrow at
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cool article on managing your physical & mental energy rather than your time: -- Thanks Steve Whayne!
Checking your e-mail worse than taking drugs? Might just be -- listen to this little snippet:
Fun 11 minute e-mail interview with Shelley Irwin of WGVU radio Grand Rapids from today -- several tips!:
Monday, August 10, 2009
Timely Tips August 2009: When E-mail Doesn't Make Sense
Ahhh, finally -- it looks like summer has made it to Mid-Michigan. We've had the most beautiful spring so far this summer, but I'm glad the heat has finally showed up. I was wondering if we'd ever see 80 degrees (and to my friends out west and in Texas, this would have been a GREAT year to take a vacation to Michigan!)
I'm going to do something pretty fun this month -- a little different than my typical Timely Tip. One of my project partners during the Taming E-mail book launch, Jan Bolick with Business Class, Inc., did an interview with me, and she very cleverly took a 1-minute snippet out of it and made it into a share-able audio file. It is about when e-mail DOES NOT make sense as a communications method -- she labeled this the "e-mail sniff test". This might be something to share around with your group or team -- could clear up some of those uncomfortable "Office"-style communications situations. And save you time, of course! Here's the link to the 1-minute audio (works best on Internet Explorer -- may require a plug-in to play on Firefox):
Let me know your thoughts on this, and if you decided to share around a bit. Any other times you recommend avoiding e-mail? And, how's that for a very timely Timely Tip?
Facebook Fan? Taming Email Fan?
Are you a Facebooker? Have you found something useful from my Taming E-mail book or one of my live Taming E-mail programs? Do me a favor -- join my Taming the E-mail Beast fan page on Facebook! Or, just search for "Taming the E-mail Beast" in your Facebook search tool.
I've started a discussion on the fan page on your ONE favorite Taming E-mail tip -- would love to see your favorites!
What's Randy Reading?
I've got two new e-newsletters that I'm reading quite frequently now -- filled with both time & technology enhancement skills AND marketing/sales expertise.
First is Josh Zerkel's Custom Living Solutions e-newsletter. If you remember, I hosted Josh on a program on home office organization a while back -- Josh is the founder of Custom Living Solutions and the president of the Bay Area Chapter of NAPO. I just love the information Josh shares on organizing and technology -- and he always finds the time to review very cool new software programs that can help you save time. I strongly recommend adding this to your monthly reading list -- here's the link to subscribe:
Second is Stan "Mr. Fantastic" Billue's monthly e-newsletter on sales, marketing, & motivation strategies. It is irreverent, timely, and often politically incorrect. Most months, he makes me laugh out loud. It isn't for the easily offended, but it always packs in gems of knowledge that work in the real world. Here's the link to learn more and register:
And I'm Picking on Josh???
I told Josh he's got too many good ideas and too much info in his monthly e-newsletter -- yeah, right! And I even held back the great results we had from my recent appearances at the Affordable Meetings Midwest program in Chicago, the IMA National Conference in Denver, and my recent MSU HRD Taming E-mail session -- I'll try to share those with you soon.
Also, watch for me next month in DC at HIDA MedSurg, ICLE/Michigan Bar in Dearborn, the Katz School at U. Pitt, the IIDEX Conference in Toronto, and the MECRA Conference in Traverse City. Make sure to stop by and say "Hi"!
Until we talk again, Stay Timely!
A Timely Tips SPECIAL EDITION -- July 2009
A Super-Handy Keystroke Combo for Your Web Browsing Activities
Have you ever been on a web page, and you wanted to see just a bit more information on your current screen without having to scroll down? Or, the web page had text so small you wanted to see it in a bit larger format (a common need for all of us with "more experienced" eyeballs!)
Here is a super handy and QUICK keystroke combo you can use with both Internet Explorer and FireFox (and I would guess most other popular web browsers) that I used extensively when tracking our results on June 23.
"CTRL+" to make your web browser view LARGER.
"CTRL-" to make your web browser view SMALLER.
CTRL+ & CTRL- are keystroke combos for zooming in and out on your web browser current view. Try it right now in an open page on your browser. Did it just get larger (or smaller)? Now, use the other combo, and you'll get back to the same view you just had.
I expect for many of you, this will become just one of those basic, standard web/computer skills you'll use for years and years now. I've been using it extensively since seeing how quick and handy it is to view your web pages at a size and resolution that fits your needs. It may also help you better prep a screen capture you want to take of a web page that you want to share with others.
Try it and let me know what you think.
Wow! Whew!
What an amazing experience this has been. Thanks again to ALL of you.
Of course, for some of you, I've been talking about e-mail too much lately, so I'll try to share some other ideas and topics in upcoming issues of Timely Tips. (Remember, I do great programs on Time Management, Ending Office Clutter, and Optimizing Your Outlook too!) And, I'll be posting more info soon on some of the many conferences and open enrollment programs I'll be leading in your areas later this summer and this fall. (Don't forget later this month I'll be at the Indiana Society of Association Executives Annual Conference in South Bend, the American Dental Association Executives Conference in Chicago, and leading an e-mail/office clutter program for Michigan State University HRD -- you can call them at 517-351-0183 to inquire about registration options for non-MSU staff.) Plus, watch for me THIS FRIDAY MORNING on Fox 17 in Grand Rapids, MI, between 8:30 and 9:00 for a little TV appearance (no kidding!)
And call me soon if you have a need for some staff/member programming later this summer or this fall -- my calendar is booking up quickly!
Until we talk again, Stay Timely!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
My new Timely Tips August Newsletter now available -- access to recent radio & TV appearances plus 2 great newsletters:
Saturday, August 08, 2009
On the Chris Holman MI Biz Beat Radio Show on MI Talk Radio Network today -- I'm on at 25:00 min:
IvyExec is Hosting a Taming E-mail 1-hour Webinar with me on 8/18 at 6:30 p.m. EST -- $25 for non-members -- register here:
Was picked up by the UK competition site @roughlyfamous with this article on 4 Key E-mail Mistakes:
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Will be on LATalkRadio's AskDrMac show tonight talking about "Taming Your E-mail Beast" - - 8 PM EST - Channel 1
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Fun new book review on Taming E-mail by marketing guru Tony Rubleski on this morning --
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Just added a fan page to Facebook on my book and programs on "Taming the E-mail Beast" --