A Timely Tips SPECIAL EDITION -- July 2009
A Super-Handy Keystroke Combo for Your Web Browsing Activities
Have you ever been on a web page, and you wanted to see just a bit more information on your current screen without having to scroll down? Or, the web page had text so small you wanted to see it in a bit larger format (a common need for all of us with "more experienced" eyeballs!)
Here is a super handy and QUICK keystroke combo you can use with both Internet Explorer and FireFox (and I would guess most other popular web browsers) that I used extensively when tracking our Amazon.com results on June 23.
"CTRL+" to make your web browser view LARGER.
"CTRL-" to make your web browser view SMALLER.
CTRL+ & CTRL- are keystroke combos for zooming in and out on your web browser current view. Try it right now in an open page on your browser. Did it just get larger (or smaller)? Now, use the other combo, and you'll get back to the same view you just had.
I expect for many of you, this will become just one of those basic, standard web/computer skills you'll use for years and years now. I've been using it extensively since seeing how quick and handy it is to view your web pages at a size and resolution that fits your needs. It may also help you better prep a screen capture you want to take of a web page that you want to share with others.
Try it and let me know what you think.
Wow! Whew!
What an amazing experience this has been. Thanks again to ALL of you.
Of course, for some of you, I've been talking about e-mail too much lately, so I'll try to share some other ideas and topics in upcoming issues of Timely Tips. (Remember, I do great programs on Time Management, Ending Office Clutter, and Optimizing Your Outlook too!) And, I'll be posting more info soon on some of the many conferences and open enrollment programs I'll be leading in your areas later this summer and this fall. (Don't forget later this month I'll be at the Indiana Society of Association Executives Annual Conference in South Bend, the American Dental Association Executives Conference in Chicago, and leading an e-mail/office clutter program for Michigan State University HRD -- you can call them at 517-351-0183 to inquire about registration options for non-MSU staff.) Plus, watch for me THIS FRIDAY MORNING on Fox 17 in Grand Rapids, MI, between 8:30 and 9:00 for a little TV appearance (no kidding!)
And call me soon if you have a need for some staff/member programming later this summer or this fall -- my calendar is booking up quickly!
Until we talk again, Stay Timely!
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