Randy Dean's Timely Tips

You may have read Timely Tips on Randy Dean's web site, but now you can interact with it here on Blogspot.com. Please feel free to add comments and tips of your own, and thank you for your continued interest.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Timely Tips February 2008: What is Randy reading?

Timely Tips February 2008: What is Randy reading?
These three e-newsletters provide Randy time-saving tips!

in this issue
Three Great E-Newsletters that Save Time/Enhance Performance
Randy Guest Host of "Profit" Teleseminar on Feb. 26
Randy Featured in Big Internet Book Promotion
New Taming E-mail Website
Randy's Crazy Schedule
Dear Joe,

Wow -- is it already February? Where did the holidays and the month of January go? Here in Michigan, we are definitely having a "traditional" winter this year -- lots of snow, some very cold temps, and a snow fort built in my front yard by me and my 4-year old (haven't been able to do something like that for a few years!) That being said, I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some golf and some sun!

Some E-newsletters I read regularly to find time-saving tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Some people have asked me what kinds of e-newsletters I subscribe to so I can continue to develop personally and professionally. Not surprisingly, I avidly read only a few that help me to keep abreast of breaking technologies and productivity enhancement. By getting these e-newsletters, I'm often provided new tips and pointers, many of which ultimately make it into my seminars (and my life!)

I'm a big fan of The American Society of Training and Development's little "The Buzz: Worldwide Training Industry News" e-newsletter: http://www.infoinc.com/astd/buzznews.html

This little gem provides article abstracts from many major newsletters, news feeds, and online newsletters regarding new developments in corporations, academic environments, and non-profits in training and employee development. I've forwarded many of these abstracts on to relevant clients as a way to keep them informed of things going on in their fields. I love that you can quickly scan the article abstract list, and then just click on those abstracts of interest. I believe you have to be an ASTD member to get this sent to you freely, but they do post the current issue on the ASTD web site (see link above).

Another e-newsletter that I usually read from beginning to end is Tony Rubleski's Mind Capture Group e-newsletter. You can subscribe for free at: http://www.mindcapturegroup.com/index.php. Most of Tony's articles are on effective marketing in the face of today's "advertising overload" (sounds somewhat familiar to my work on "e-mail overload"!), but he occasionally writes really nice issues on topics that even touch on time management and personal productivity. One of his recent articles did just that, and is a great little article on keeping focus on important projects: http://www.mindcapturegroup.com/view_eletter.php?letternum=240. Watch out for Tony -- he is a great speaker and is well on his way to becoming a national-level figure and thought-leader on "mind capture".

Another e-newletter I really like, due to its simplicity and pure focus, is Carolyn Anderson-Fermann's Simply Organized Life newsletter. You can register for free at:
http://www.simplyorganizedlife.com/. Carolyn is a professional organizer and consultant with an MBA and a strong business sensibility, but a warm and engaging demeanor. And her e-newsletter is actually quite a bit like mine -- it usually provides 1-2 time-saving/personal organizing tips per month.

Take a look at these resources if you are passionate about effective training, effective marketing, effective organizing, and saving time. They are definitely worth your time.

I'll Be a Featured Guest Interviewer on an Upcoming Teleseminar: How to Always Make a Profit with Financial Consultant/Expert Vicki Suiter
Vicki is an expert on tracking financial performance and generating financial profits for firms small and large. She asked me to be her guest interviewer on her teleseminar on February 26th. If you are trying to make your firm or organization more financially efficient and profitable, this will be worth a listen! Here's the info:
"Do you ever feel like your are working really hard to make a profit, yet not really getting where you want to go? Have you ever wished there was a 'magic formula' for how to get there? This teleseminar will give you the steps for reaching your profit goals!

Date: Tuesday, February 26, 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon PST (2:00 p.m. EST)
Location: By Phone
Cost: FREE!

Register here:

Also, please keep an eye on future Timely Tips for more unique program offerings via teleseminar, including an upcoming 2-hour intensive "deep dive" on effective e-mail management.
Randy Once Again a Featured Bonus Provider on A Big Internet Book Marketing Effort
Later today, you might be seeing my name in conjunction with a big Internet/e-mail marketing "push" campaigns. I once again provided free access to my Timely Tips 3-year compilation document and my Three-Chapter Taming E-mail Sneak Preview as bonuses to this effort, in support of the launch of a new book by Todd Royer, Career Management Expert, called:

***Workination: Are You Fascinated With Your

Todd's new book is perfect for anyone looking to more effectively manage their career, be they looking to make a significant career change, or just get more out of their current career from both a professional and personal perspective. As Todd says, "This new book is packed with real-life examples, proven success strategies and unique career development insights that will help you grow professionally." It is worth a look:
especially considering all of the valuable bonuses that are being included with this offer (including mine!):

Take a peek if you want to make the most out of one of the most valuable and intensive uses of your time and your life: your career!
Taming E-mail Update: New Website --http://www.EmailSanityExpert.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Our efforts to get ready for the paperback launch of Taming the E-mail Beast continue, with the formal launch of a new website: http://www.emailsanityexpert.com. This site features information not only on Randy's new book, but also on Randy's speaking/training programs in this area. Check it out!

Also, we are in discussions with a major national literary agency regarding Taming E-mail becoming one of their represented publications. And, the e-book should be posted on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com very soon. More information on these major announcements, hopefully in the next issue!
Randy is ALL OVER THE PLACE! (Or Planet, that is!)
Wow, things are really exploding, eh? Look for me in coming weeks at Michigan State University's HRD (tomorrow! and again in a few weeks), Port Huron, Mid-Michigan ASTD's Annual Dinner, New York City, Greenville Michigan's Chamber Event, University of Michigan's HRD, northern and central Florida, U. Pitt's Exec MBA Sessions in Prague (no kidding!), the MMPI Annual Conference, the MSBO Annual Conference, at MAPT here in Lansing, the Petoskey Chamber, Wayne County CCD's Staff Development Day, in Toronto at the NALP Annual Conference, and at the MSU Kaleidoscope Program for Women. Look for me in these locations (and drop a note if you'd like to catch up!), and until next month, Stay Timely!

Randy Dean

Monday, February 04, 2008

Timely Tips January 2008: How About Eleven Timely Tips this Month?

New "Roughcut" Video Tips on My YouTube Channel

in this issue
Eleven "Video" Timely Tips on Randy's YouTube Channel
Randy Featured in Two Big Internet Promotions
New Taming E-mail Teleseminar Scheduled: February 6th, 2008
Dear Randall,

Welcome back to the crazy fun that January presents every year! We usually stumble out of the holidays, perhaps a "smidgen" heavier but with a holiday smile, and then walk into a huge mass of new work to do. We get to usually keep that "holiday glow" for all of about ten minutes that first day back, before realizing just how busy we are again.

This month, I want to share with you the fruits of my labor over the holidays -- hopefully these little ideas will help you to find some of the time you need to keep up in the year anew. Enjoy!

Eleven Tips this Month? Sure, Eleven VIDEO Tips!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I was writing my new book, Taming the E-mail Beast: 45 Key Strategies for Better Managing Your E-mail Overload (and Regaining Your E-mail Sanity!) - http://www.randalldean.com/offers.html - I quickly realized in several places in my new book that describing how to do something in a software program using written text is not the easiest thing to do. And, I had been playing around with podcasts and posted videos on YouTube and other sites for a while. I realized that I could greatly support the readers of my new book if I used the power of video and the Internet to help make many of the suggestions in my new book more clear.

So, over the holidays, I self-produced a series of 11 little video snippets on how to do many of the key strategies and suggestions recommended in my new book, and posted them on my YouTube Channel:


A Little Disclaimer: Now, self-admittedly, these little videos are what I would call "roughcuts". I made them to show a professional video artist exactly what I am looking to create. They get across the point (and provide some nice content), but they are a bit amateurish (I'll be the first to admit I'm not a video production and editing expert!) My plan is to circle back around at the time of the release of the paperback and redo these same tips in a more professional format. So, take a look, but also keep my disclaimer in mind. And feel free to share your comments!

Randy a Featured Bonus Provider on Two Big Internet Marketing Efforts

Just this week, you might be seeing my name in conjunction with two big Internet/e-mail marketing "push" campaigns -- possibly even today! I provided free access to my Timely Tips 3-year compilation document and my Three-Chapter Taming E-mail Sneak Preview as bonuses to both of these efforts. The first effort is to support the launch of a new book by John Rowley, New York real estate magnate and fitness entrepreneur, called:

***Climb YOUR Ladder of Success Without Running Out of Gas!***

The Simple Truth on How to Revitalize Your Body
and Ignite Your Energy for Lifelong Success

John's new book is a story of how he went from being a janitor in Brooklyn to being one of the youngest SR. VP's in Manhattan real estate. But he didn't stop there; he also owned the gym that received international attention when the movie Pumping Iron starring none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno was filmed in it. He has written a new book detailing how to keep your body and mind in top condition to give you the energy to go after your goals and dreams.

John has arranged for several thought leaders, including yours truly, to provide valuable free bonuses as part of his book launch today. So, if you are interested more in John's story, learn more at www.climbyourladderofsuccess.com/book.html

The second marketing effort is in support of a newly launched web site and related teleseminar, called The Positive Website. Joshua Stein, founder of this site, has launched a site that provides, as one of its benefits, a daily inspirational quote service. He's also planning a teleseminar later this week (Thursday, January 17th to be exact), where he details his interesting "from trouble to success" story. If you are looking for additional motivation to get your 2008 off on the right path, you can find out more about both of these new efforts by clicking the appropriate links above.

Speaking of Teleseminars, I've Scheduled a New Taming E-mail Program:
Wednesday, February 6th, at 2:00 p.m.

I've been tracking names, and we've added about 500 new Timely Tips subscribers in the last three months, so I thought it was time to offer another Taming E-mail Teleseminar. On Wednesday, February 6th, at 2:00 p.m. EST, join me and my special guest interviewer Vicki Suiter of Suiter Financial (http://www.suiterfinancial.com) for a new Taming E-mail 50-minute teleseminar.

Here's the news page on this program:


You can also register for this program today by simply visiting:


This is a great way to hear many of my best e-mail sanity strategies live, using the power of teleconferencing. And, if you have free long-distance minutes, the call is effectively free. I look forward to you joining me on the call.

PS: Also, if you are a business owner, financial manager, or work in the construction industry, keep Wednesday, February 20th at 2:00 p.m. EST open also. On that date, I'll be interviewing Vicki Suiter regarding her popular courses and programs on financial management. We'll be posting more information on this new program in next month's Timely Tips.
Until Next Time


So, since I've provided eleven video Timely Tips this month, don't look for another issue until December 2008. (Just kidding!) You know I'll be back next month with yet another installment. Look for it then, and until then, Stay Timely!

Randy Dean

Timely Tips December 2007: Planning to Call Just a Little Late

A No-Brainer Tip I Just Realized I Have Been Using for Years

in this issue
A Phone Tip: Planned "Slightly" Late Calls
TOMORROW'S Time, E-mail, and Office Clutter Course in Southfield
Some Early Reviews of Taming E-mail Now In
Free Podcast and Coming Bonus PDF
Dear Randall,

Are you ready for the holidays? I'm certainly not -- not with the 4-year old and 1-year old in the house, and the Taming E-mail book release activities taking place, not to mention an extremely busy October-to-December speaking and training schedule (thanks to all of you for that!) My neighbors are actually giving me grief for not getting my holiday lights up yet -- I'm usually a challenge to Clark Griswold -- but this year might be a bit more low key.

Make sure to read the full Timely Tips this month -- I've got a couple "holiday gifts" for all of you. How about the gift of a no-brainer time saver:

A New Phone Tip I Just Realized I've Used for Years -- Planned "Late" Calls

Do you ever have a habit that is so ingrained that you don't even realize you are doing it? I just made a realization that I have a nice little time-saving tip for planned phone calls that I've been using for years, and that has never made it into my Timely Tips up to this point. It is really a no-brainer, but it does work. Here's the tip:

If you have a planned phone call with a set time scheduled another party, rather than calling right on the designated time, plan to call 2-3 minutes late. You should be ready to make the call right on time (just in case the person you are planning to call decides to call you instead), but don't actually dial the number until 2-3 minutes after the scheduled time. I've found by following this tip, I actually greatly increase the likelihood that I'll make the desired and planned connection vs. catching their voice mail.

My experience is that when you call right on time, people are often trying to finish up that "last little thing" before taking the call -- the last phone call, little meeting, run to the bathroon, etc., and they aren't quite ready for the call. You'll often catch voice mail. Give them the 2-3 minute buffer, and many people have that "last little thing" cleared from their plate, and they even have a minute or so to prepare for your conversation. This helps the productivity of the call, as well as helping to avoid a little game of "phone tag."

Try not to call more than five minutes late, though, as you will likely be perceived as "being late". It is even possible the person you are calling may think you've forgotten about the call, and will leave their desk to start something else -- this obviously defeats the purpose. With planned phone calls, 2-3 minutes late is great, more than 5 minutes is late. Try this strategy, and let me know if you also see it works for you.

Still Room in Tomorrow's Time, E-mail, and Clutter Course in Southfield, Michigan

I'll be leading a powerful half-day public E-mail/Office Clutter Management Course TOMORROW, Friday, December 14, and I'll be adding in an extra 1.75 hour bonus course (no extra fee for paid participants!) following lunch of my popular "Finding an Extra Hour Every Day" course. There are still a few seats available, and we can take additions up to the last minute. To get more information on this course, use this link:


This would be a great way to finish the year on a high note, and get your systems in place to make 2008 your best and most productive year ever. And by the way, all paid participants in tomorrow's program will also get a free copy of my e-book on Taming the E-mail Beast as an additional bonus too. Register or call to reserve your seat today!

Some Great Early Reviews of Taming the E-mail Beast -- E-Book version
is NOW Ready! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I mentioned last month, I've got a very nice and workable version of this 20-chapter e-book, all about how to get your e-mail account under control, keep it under control, get CC's and forwards under control, and enhance your ongoing e-mail sanity and productivity.

I've had a few thought leaders and authors review the publication, and so far, so good -- we've had some very nice comments on the value of the publication and the related training program. To see these comments, visit:

I'm keeping the pre-publication offer available to you for just a little longer, as we finish building the related book readers' web site, which will feature several video tutorials from the strategies shared in the book. (To note: by early next week, we'll be posting several free bonus offers from several thought leaders for purchasers of Taming the E-mail Beast -- of course, anyone who has already purchased the book or e-book will also get access to these valuable bonuses after the fact.) So, if you want to take advantage of the discounted pricing for the e-book, use the link below:

Simply click here:


A Couple Bonuses -- Free Podcast and (Coming Soon) 3-Year Compilation
Earlier this week, I was the special guest on the Podcast Productivity Network, with host Tony Goodson. This show, taped live from Australia, but broadcast by podcast around the world via the internet, is produced periodically to share information from productivity-enhancing thought-leaders the world over. In this program, Tony interviewed me not only about my new book, but also about several time management tips and strategies, as well as my history in the time management/personal productivity realm. Past guests have included David Allen of Getting Things Done fame, and several other technology/productivity thought-leaders/gurus. Check it out (can't beat the price: FREE!)


(To note, I just checked this link, and the site was not coming up properly -- if you don't connect right now, please try again later.)

Also, later this month, like I did last year, I will be compiling the first three full years + of Timely Tips into a handy PDF document, and will contact you with an option to download and share freely with anyone you so desire. This is my holiday gift to all of you -- the faithful and contributing readership of Timely Tips.
Until Next Time


So, thanks again for your continued support. Finish up that holiday shopping. Get those lights up. And look for my final e-mail of the year shortly with the 3-year compilation document. Until then, Stay Timely,

Randy Dean

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Timely Tips November 2007: "Drag & Drop" to Create New Tasks

A Tip from Randy's Upcoming Taming the E-mail Beast: 45 Key Strategies for Better Managing Your E-mail Overload (and Regaining Your E-mail Sanity!)

in this issue
E-mail "Drag & Drop" for Fast Task Creation
E-Book Version NOW Ready
Public Courses and Teleseminar in December
Dear Randall,

I hope that you are recovering from both Thanksgiving and Digestion Day here in the States. I'm feeling better after overloading on turkey and Grand Traverse Cherry Pie (a mighty yum!) Because I've been traveling both for work and family, I'm going to keep this month's Timely Tips quite short, but HIGHLY useful:
A Tip Featured in My New Book, "Taming the E-mail Beast"

One of the key tips I share in my new book is how to very quickly create new tasks in Microsoft Outlook, by using "drag and drop" to pull an active e-mail and drop it onto your Outlook task function to auto-create a new task. Here's how it works: if you have an e-mail that has an embedded task that you need to complete, simply select the e-mail (usually a single left click) -- but keep holding down the left mouse button, and then drag the e-mail over to your "Tasks" icon in your Outlook Shortcuts view, and drop onto that icon.

What Outlook does is pretty cool -- it then automatically creates a new task based off of the information in that e-mail. The subject of the task will be the subject of the e-mail -- I usually type over the e-mail title with the actual description of the task. You will also note that the body text of the e-mail now appears in the notes field near the bottom of the open task window -- thus, you have all of the relevant related information from the e-mail handy. Simply select a due date, and, if you so choose, a category for your task, hit "Save and Close", and you've generated a new task with additional useful information in a very quick manner and form.

Play around with this -- you can also drag and drop e-mails into your Calendar icon to create new calendar events, and also into your Address Book to automatically create new contacts. I find it a very handy way to definitely save time in this very common business/technology function.

Speaking of Taming the E-mail Beast, the E-Book version
is NOW Ready! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I've got a very nice and workable version of this 20-chapter e-book, all about how to get your e-mail account under control, keep it under control, get CC's and forwards under control, and enhance your e-mail sanity and productivity.

I'm keeping the pre-publication offer available to you for just a little longer, as we build the related book readers' web site, which will feature several video tutorials from the strategies shared in the book. So, if you want to take advantage of the discounted pricing for the e-book, use the link below:

Simply click here:


Some New Public Courses in December

I'll be leading a half-day public Time Management Course near Toledo, Ohio on Tuesday, December 11. And, then, on Friday, December 14, I'll be leading a half-day public course on e-mail and office clutter management in Southfield, Michigan. To get more information on these courses, use this link:


And don't forget about the free "Taming E-mail" 50-minute teleseminar this Tuesday, December 4th, at 2 p.m. Here's the link:


Until Next Time


Once again, thanks for your continued support. Get started on that holiday shopping! And get those lights up -- my kids love them! Stay timely,

Randy Dean